Yesterday, I said

Almost everyone has been there but some like to live in this address. The address of yesterday, I said... Yesterday, I said I will do this but oh today I'm so tired. Yesterday, I said I will do that but I didn't know it will be this busy. Yesterday, I said but today I don't feel like it. 

Feel like it! That's even the worst reason of all. We shouldn't let our feelings guide us, we act and do what is right. 

Some context please... so I'm writing this rant first, as letter to self. Just to shut up every excuses in my head.

I started this blog as inspired by Seth Godin who advised that everyone should have a blog and blog everyday. He does so himself, with thousands and thousands of post on some he has even compiled into a book.

It took me months to come around to doing this. And when I first started, it was on LinkedIn; but couldn't keep up because the inspired post for some days are not LinkedIn worthy. Imagine ranting about my employer on LinkedIn... wrong address, right? 

So some months passed, and I wasn't writing at all. Afterwards I finally set up my blog and kept it secret (so far at least). With the exception of my Wife and only a friend knowing about this. So I can freely write whatever, until more people stumble on it someday. Maybe recruiters, because they snoop a lot. Or a potential business client trying to be sure that I'm a great guy. Well, if you are reading this, I sure am. 

So I started this blog and promised myself to blog daily but it's been well over a week since my last post now. I kept saying I will, I will. And yet I kept trumping the desire with all excuses. Busy, tired, or the most common- I'm still cooking up the content in my head... but it just never gets ready and the day is over again. 

Every time I force myself to start, I mostly always intend to write three sentences, and at most two paragraphs. But I end up going on and on. 

And yeah, my writing, it feels like I'm talking to you, right? Well, honestly, I love to read when people write like this. So I'd just stick to my style and only expect it to get better as I go along. Without loosing the conversational style for sure. 

So what was I talking about before all these digression. It's just my rant to procrastinators... stop giving excuses about why you are not executing your plans and expectations. No excuse people, just do it! 

I don't know if I have communicated anything today or I have only succeeded in writing something- just anything- for the daily blog. Whichever one it is people, I'm fulfilled that I have defied the urge of not acting today. So you too, get up and act, and while you are it, remind someone else to stop giving excusing and start taking timely actions. 

Thanks for attending my rant party. 


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