A Fountain on the Bed

Earlier today, we had a fountain shower on the bed. I bet you are trying to figure it out, but don't think too far.

Exactly three weeks and two days (23 days) ago, my wife and I welcomed our first baby. A fine fresh face and cute chubby cheeks baby boy. I felt all the exciting emotions possible all at once. As I write, I'm reliving that pleasurable experience. While my wife was still on the bed rolling her eyes, I was with the nurse cutting off the placenta, watching them give him his first injection already, and weighing him. 4.84 kg! The nurses exclaimed at the number, excitedly of course. My wife had always loved the idea of a big baby. Oh! did I mention that he didn't cry when he got the injection, this boy is already proving he is rock solid? But as the days go by, we no have his cry loud and clear, mostly only for food anyway.

For the first week, I didn't know the difference between night and day, my wife and I were up at the slightest sound he makes... she feeds him while we take turns changing his nappy... all dark black poo for the first few days, I never knew that is the color of Baby's poo for the first few days. By the second week, I thought I was getting a hang of it, by know we have known to get my Wife to pump breast milk so she doesn't have to get up to breastfeed all night, plus it's better in helping us keep track on how much he eats. We have been told, that Babies should have 150ml per kg (of their weight) per day. This means our lovely Baby boy should be feeding on 732 ml per day, this comes to about 90 ml per feed, if he gets fed eight times a day. Who would have known that we have to start exercising our maths skills on a Baby that is just a few days old? Calculating his feed, and keeping a record of time.

So yes, he is growing very well and guess what else he has started doing well these days? Pumping some high rise fountain into the air, while you are changing his nappy. Haven't figured that out yet? He wees high and up, letting it into the air and we watch it as it lands on whosoever or whatsoever it is directed towards. Grandma has been the biggest beneficiary of his wee benevolence. In fact, he had pooed on her like twice while cleaning him up after a bathe.

Earlier this morning, while changing his nappy, I told him, "Hey man, I'm ready for you, if you try to pee up, I'd quickly cover you up with this nappy" As though he heard, while the last letters were leaving my mouth, he weed upwards towards my shirt. I quickly covered him, but only after my shirt has been well sprayed. And it seemed like art, as though he drew a line right from the center of my chest down towards my abdomen. I thought I had won, but as I lifted up the nappy to complete the changing process, he gave a second round, this time like a fountain splashing around my arms, legs, and the bed. So that's how we got a fountain shower on the bed.

Do you remember high school chemistry and the litmus test of acid turning blue litmus paper to red; and base (alkali) turning red litmus paper to blue? I guess I can say my Baby's wee is the litmus test of love, he wees around causing us to do more cleanup and roll-up of the bedsheet and duvet, yet we are doing it with all smiles and joy. And the more interesting part of it is that we consider it a worthwhile story to tell.

So this is the first installment of me chronicling my love experience with my Baby. I hope to do more.


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