Now, I that title doesn't make sense to you, but it does to me. And if you are patient enough to know, I will tell you the meaning too.
I'm inspired to write this because I picked the first line of a post I wrote few days ago and shared it on Whatsapp status. Now I don't share this blog with my contacts, in my head it is secret. Except of course it's not as my name is over it.
Back to my story, after the line on my status, a friend replied pushing back with questions. And following my response he replied that he did not agree with me. Thanks God he was clear about iy, I didn't pick that he was headed to the point of disagreeing all the while.
His direct response revealed that he misunderstood what I said. He actually thought I said the opposite, which means we actually had the same philosophy but didn't know it in time.
Earlier tonight I was in a Bible Study group discussing money. And I enjoyed the direction of the conversation. Only that I didn't agree with some point. I stood to be corrected but I partly passed my point across anyway. Painfully, I did not finish as I had to go make dinner for my Son.
Now, I'm having the continuous debate in my bead should I engage with one or two people following the study to pass my point across. Perhaps maybe I even misunderstood them, to clarify and align. But here I am trying not to do what someone did for me that helped me learn more from his argument and he did as well.
The summary of my point here is that either I try to align to learn more about my perspective or not. I will pass my point across whenever there js another conversation and I either have same or differing views. Because when I share my views ready to learn, I might either get corrected or get to correct others.
Either way, I need to believe in me to be able yo raise my hand and speak. So you too believe in you, so "BeYOUveable" to yourself.
Ps: Coining a seeming silly word to get across my point is me believing and being confident in me (confident is not arrogance by the way). I beYOUveable myself.
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